Agricultural Research Council
The ARC was established by the Agricultural Research Act 86 of 1990 (as amended) and is the principal agricultural research institution in South Africa. It is a schedule 3A public entity in terms of the Public Finance Management Act 1 of 1999, as amended by Act 29 of 1999.
The Act sets out the objectives of the ARC as “conducting of research, development & technology transfer in order to:
Promote agriculture & industry;
Contribute to better quality of life;
Facilitate/ensure natural resource conservation"
This function is carried out through 11 research institutes whose activities are grouped under five divisions: Field Crops (Grain and Industrial Crops), Horticulture, Animal Production and Health, Natural Resources and Engineering as well as Technology Transfer. The ARC is also responsible for maintaining national assets and undertaking programmes or rendering services that are required from time to time by the department and other stakeholders.