Constituted as a Collaborative laboratory (CoLAB), ALMASCIENCE is an applied research organization focused on innovation, development and deployment of cellulose-based smart and sustainable applications.
Through the exploitation of nanotechnology and advanced functional materials and their use to create ecological
game-changing paper-based, fully printable, multifunctional devices and systems, ALMASCIENCE aims to deliver ecologically sustainable and universally accessible solutions by effectively enabling IoT in areas like: security, environment, health, brand protection, electronics, logistics, food or marketing.
Paper electronics holds a unique potential to bring intelligence into everyday objects and areas of our daily life such as radio-frequency identification (RFID), health, tags in shipping and inventory management, self-updating plane tickets or food labels.
These new technologies offer new cost-saving solutions, energy-efficient processes and fully recyclable alternatives. Silicon chips at low cost, disposable electronics market segment with a fully ecological and sustainable approach and development will impact the IoT, the Fourth Platform and all the emerging digital technologies. Also Point of Care smart diagnostic devices aim to replace current expensive diagnostic technologies by disposable and cost-effective counterparts, exploiting digital fabrication and functionalities on engineered paper substrates.
Research & Development (R&D) program
ALMASCIENCE structures and focuses its R&D program in 5 key thematic development areas:
– Paper manufacturing and modification;
– Smart systems development and integration;
– Smart diagnostics platforms and biosensors
– Modelling, design and systems' architecture;
– Materials and devices for building blocks.
The first 3 are business oriented, reflecting the long term impact that is expected on the initially targeted markets. The other two reflect the necessary transversal approach that will allow achieving the necessary levels of efficiency and effectiveness for the whole process