Is Your Brand Connected To IoT and Big Data Universe?
“tasalle” promises to make your brands become part of evolving IoT and Big Data revolution. Our digital consumer engagement platform, using pack identifiers aided by a mobile app will make your brand smart enough to become digitally connected with your customers. A smart and connected brand will become self sufficient in combatting counterfeit, communicating its life cycle journey through Track & Trace and establishing 1-on-1 contact with the end user.
Consumer & Trade Mapping - The Real Game Changer
Experience the power of intelligent brand and digital connection with your customers. Brands having a unit level digital identity, shall only be in the game. For one reason or the other, like counterfeit prevention, supply chain tracking, digital warranty, CRM, brand knowledge centre, digital promo – your connection will be established directly with your end users. Similarly, the POS scans for brand integrity checks will identify the retail partners. The acquired digital data in the process will become decision tool as well as basis for process automation to achieve operational excellence.
DNA Code
Built on the principles of human biometrics where no chemical signature (fingerprint) will ever resemble the other. Completely randomly produced using highly creative techniques and special equipment. UV 360-degree ink as a second layer is added for copy proofing. These 2 elements are bound together by a proprietary QR code circular in shape having a unique tag number. Copy proof and near impossible to reproduce. Server based authentication.
State of the art most modern technology for brand protection. Completely non-intrusive, needing no printing or application. The Augmented Reality (AR), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Deep Learning (DL) algorithm recognizes the substrates, inks and artwork design elements. Unit and batch level protection within no time, even the trade stocks are protected without phasing them out. Random yet scientifically logical, pack scans are trained for identification and protection.