ESMA vzw
ESMA Was founded in 1990 as an Association of European Manufacturers of screen printing equipment and supplies. ESMA is an organisation, funded by its members to work on behalf of is members to the ultimate benefit of their customers. ESMA Members account for the majority of supplies of machinery and consumables made to the specialis printing industry in Europe.
In 2000 ESMA offered membership to companies manufacturing machinery and consumable supplies for the Digital Imaging process. Since this decision was taken ESMA has become the European voice for not only Screen Printing but also for Digital Imaging, following the steady growth of Digital membership.
ESMA’s objectives are to promote the adoption and correct use of the various specialist printing processes through exhibitions, the press, public relations, technical training and research into the specific requirements of printing and processes. The Association is committed to developing higher technical standards for specialist printing processes, and to meeting European legal requirements for health, safety and environmental issues. Each of these objectives is handled by a separate committee.
ESMA’s membership includes most of the major European manufacturers of specialist printing equipment and supplies serving markets worldwide.
Since 2012 ESMA welcomes all consultants and print service providers. Consultants and PSP’s can now become ESMA member and will be able to thrive from the membership advantages.