Flip Deal USA
Welcome to Flipdealusa, You definitely know this brand on Amazon and Sears commercial center now we propelled our site flipdealusa.com is the main brand to give great quality items to popular manufacturers. Our site products divided into different categories to easily access your desired products. As of now, we conveyed 80,000 items by 52 well-known manufacturers. We additionally offer Two-Day Shipping on most all requests set by 12:00 pm PST (excluding some premium brands) and free shipping based on your entire order. And as always, No Minimum purchase is required to place the order.
Flipdealusa is focused on conveying remarkable client support by making a wonderful shopping experience for each individual client. At the point when you need to submit the request, we offer the basic three stages to put in the request on our site. To start with, you select your desired products, when you go to the shopping basket page. The second step you make the login or sign-in than you go to deliver the page to embed your right dispatching and afterward go to choose your delivery administration (Ground and second day) and last to choose the installment (Pay to Credit Card or Paypal). In the wake of submitting the request, you got the email for request affirmation from Flipdealusa (orders@flipdealusa.com) and another email from approving the door on the off chance that you select the installment strategies from the charge card. At the point when your request has been delivered then we send the request sent an email with the following data. On the off chance that your request was dropped, at that point, we will educate you through email.
Flipdealusa puts the client first. In the event that you have any inquiries or concerns, it would be ideal if you counsel our Frequently Asked Questions segment. In the event that you have just audited our Frequently Asked Questions, at that point kindly don’t stop for a second to get in touch with us to furnish us with the subtleties of your inquiry.