Gopsons Papers Ltd.
Gopsons was founded in 1950 by Devi Dayal Goel, with one small hand fed letter-press machine, a rugged workhorse of a press that supplemented the business¡¯ primary focus of the paper trade.
As is the natural process, three of Devi Dayal's sons - Satish, Sunil, and Anil accepted the challenge of taking over the family business, which at the time mainly supplied paper to the book printing trade. In a visionary move, and with the encouragement of publishers who called for the supply of finished product rather than raw material, the three brothers saw that the future of the company lay in supplying the demands of the publishers for finished articles.
Thus began the journey of toil, hard work and commitment to service, which saw the setting up of 5 printing units spread across Delhi over a period of time. In June 2002 the fifth and newest plant¡¯s construction began. The first two units totaling over 3, feet in floor area are fully equipped and running at the time of writing this profile. Fitted with back up power supply and central air conditioning in a dust free environment, this new plant - while still expanding - proudly stands as the true "state of the art" in India.