Packaging SA
The Packaging Council of South Africa (PACSA) was founded in 1984 and has been replaced by a new industry body called Packaging SA. Packaging SA is closely associated with The Institute of Packaging South Africa (IPSA). Packaging SA is a voluntary industry body. Its members are in two broad categories, Converters and Associates. The Converters represent some 70% of the revenue generated by the industry. Associates are in effect the major raw material suppliers, material organizations, brand owners, retailers and other organizations and associations with interests in the packaging industry. Collectively this body directly employs some 60 000 people in South Africa.
Packaging SA represents views of its members on National issues with particular focus on environmental matters.
Packaging SA’s Mission
Packaging SA will provide effective leadership and representation on major external and internal issues which impact the packaging industry, to all interested parties including government, the media and its own membership. The issues will predominantly be those which affect more than one member or industry group and which require strong industry representation. Packaging SA will actively promote the benefits of packaging. Packaging SA’s primary focus is on environmental issues.