Universidade da Beira Interior
Nowadays, UBI is a national and international reference institution, in the spheres of education, research, innovation and entrepreneurship. More and more concerned about quality, UBI has invested in the creation of well-equipped laboratories, in the expansion of its facilities, in the involvement in research projects of national and international scope, and in a qualified teaching staff. Two of the hallmarks of this University are the provision of laboratories in all teaching areas and teacher-student proximity education. With approximately 7000 students, this institution has now more than 29 undergraduate or master courses, about 40 2nd cycle/master courses and about 25 3rd cycle/doctorate courses, distributed by its five faculties: Faculty of Sciences, Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, Faculty of Arts and Letters and Faculty of Health Sciences. Currently, in terms of human resources, UBI has more than 600 teachers and 270 employees throughout its five faculties and services.