University Bonn, Cold-Chain Management Group
Cold Chain Management deals with efficiently control and organization of production and logistic regarding temperature. It comprises of planning and implementation of single processes and process steps as well as implementation of instruments and methods of process monitoring and control. The focus of Cold Chain Management is on groceries, pharmaceutical products and chemicals, which mostly have to be cooled, as well as on other spezial goods like some High-Tech-Products, which needs a Cold Chain Management.
The principal aims of Cold Chain Management are optimization of product quality and product safety and minimization of wastage. In practice Cold Chain Management means often temperature monitoring at each step within the production, storage and transportation chain on inner- and inter-operation levels. In the inter-operation temperature monitoring the use of Time-Temperature-Indications and RFID systems with integrated temperature sensors are discussed. Apart from temperature monitoring product characteristics, technical equipment and facilities regarding cooling, laws, regulations and supply chain management are important.