University of West Attica
The University of West Attica, leveraging the creative collaboration and tireless efforts of the entire academic community, has set its multifold mission:
To provide excellent education through high-quality undergraduate and postgraduate programs in a wide variety of scientific fields; to cultivate arts and culture so that its students can acquire the necessary skills for their scientific and professional careers, thus contributing to the social and economic development of the country.
To produce and promote innovative scientific knowledge through research, which will contribute to the development of science and technology, creating the necessary conditions for the continued breeding of new researchers.
To contribute to the formation of responsible citizens, with a social, cultural, scientific and professional conscience and respect for the universal values ​​of justice, peace, freedom, democracy and social solidarity.
To promote the mobility of teachers and students in the International and European Higher Education and Research Area so as to exchange knowledge and experience.
To promote cooperation with other universities and research agencies in Greece and abroad, as well as with social and productive stakeholders, on a local, national and international level, with the aim of knowledge dissemination.
To contribute to the development of vocational education and lifelong learning by creating and continuously improving innovative lifelong learning and training programs.
To be in constant interaction with the Labor Market and Industry in order to contribute to the developmental needs of the Country.