AIDA RFID Solutions
AIDA RFID & Tracking Solutions is a company founded in 2004 and dedicated to develop products and solutions in the field of Identification and Tracking using radio frequency technology (RFID).
AiDA Solutions has been involved in the largest and most exciting international RFID projects, being present in more than 50 countries.
We highlight our track success in the toughest RFID enviroments like logistics (Goods Handling, Postal, Parcel...) and large transport infrastructures projects (Rail, Mining, Motorways, Harbours...) and at the same time, we are rapidly increasing our participation in other sectors like Healthcare, Asset Tracking, Manufacturing, Supply Chain and Retail. There is no doubt that the application of RFID technology to infrastructures and business process will be a continued growth engine for our company.
AIDA Centre is owned by several investors, including Jose Manuel Entrecanales Fundation, PHILIPS and Innova31 venture capital firm with Public Sector and University funds and several private investors experienced in the financial and technology industries. As part of our last fund rising process, relevant Public Sector funds are conributing to our project, including ENISA specialized risk finance support for the development of companies, strengthening risk management and portfolio, in search of company excelence. We believe all them provide excellent solvency of human and financial capital.