Association of Lithuanian Printing Industries
It is no coincidence that Lithuanian printers made a significant contribution to the preservation of the Lithuanian language - they secretly printed books in Lithuanian, were active booksellers themselves, transported books or organized their transfer to booksellers, risking their well-being and lives. An interesting detail - in 2004, the international organization UNESCO declared the activities of these 19th-century Lithuanian smugglers as a unique and respectable activity that has no analogues in the world.
Our printing house finds customers in all European countries. In individual areas, we print from 25 to 80 percent of Lithuanian production for export. Printing is also needed in Lithuania itself: for example, Lithuanian residents spend about 20 million euros per year on cinemas, while about 70 million euros on books, and about 90 million euros on periodicals. The annual turnover of printing houses in Lithuania grows by 5-8 percent every year. We are pleased that Lithuanian printing houses actively initiate changes, contribute to promoting reading, increasing the awareness of the printing industry, and publicizing achievements. No other country can boast that it organizes printing industry awards at the Government or Presidential Palace, and organizes joint campaigns to promote book reading together with the country's presidency. The association units only reliable and socially responsible printing houses that have been operating on the market for at least five years. The average number of years of activity of our members is as much as 19.6 years. This is an impressive number, considering that private business in Lithuania started only 28 years ago.
The Lithuanian Printers' Association STRENGTHENS the printing industry, UNITES printing industry leaders to solve common problems, REPRESENTS current issues of the printing industry in the Government of the Republic of Lithuania, the Ministries of Economy and Innovation, Culture, Education and Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania, PROMOTES cooperation with other sectors and international partners and scientific institutions, INITIATES social campaigns, and cherishes the traditions of the printing industry