Maxim Product Solutions Ltd
I have been a packaging professional for some years, specialising in the design and supply of bespoke, materials handling / transit packaging solutions. I have completed projects for numerous clients including Ciba-Vision (Ciba-Geigy) and Tambrands (Proctor & Gamble).
I have now launched Maxim Product Solutions Ltd - a new 2013 start up. My objective is to fulfil a growing demand from end users for returnable, reusable transit packaging – especially in heavy duty corrugated. I am introducing innovative closures and interlocks to facilitate the construction of returnable packs, manufactured in traditional heavy duty board and also newer grades of ‘performance’ board.
I intend to increase the product range over time in response to industry feedback and I will be pleased to discuss the innovation of any other products required by customers. This website is intended to offer a snap shot of products in various stages of development and will be updated as the products become available off tool.