Getting to Know Our Amazing Story
The company quickly found a niche through customization, efficiently and cost-effectively creating unique venting solutions for a broad range of customers, successfully taking on jobs that other manufacturers rejected as too difficult or unprofitable to solve.PSI was founded in 1984 by Charlie von Reis and Karlis Vizulis. They found that a membrane commonly used for filter housings could be engineered into a breathable, leak-proof seal for packaging caps.
Today, we specialize in the integration of microporous membrane and filter materials into plastic components and housings used in container venting, medical filtration and laboratory & analysis products.
PSI has extensive experience with difficult media and substrates, and we continue to evolve and diversify our capabilities by creating innovative, customized products for our customers. We can take products from concept to market very quickly. Our manufacturing equipment is engineered for maximum speed and accuracy. Our highly flexible, automated processes allow us to provide contract assembly work with minimal tooling costs.
An Environment in Which Quality is Assured
Quality is everyone’s responsibility at Performance Systematix. We utilize state-of-the art computerized quality control measures with 100% inspection (electronic and visual) of all components. We have optical sensing capabilities that allow us to operate with high speed and accuracy during manufacturing.
With Global Capabilities
PSI is headquartered in Grand Rapids, Michigan USA, where we have a 73,000–square-foot facility that combines manufacturing and warehouse space as well as a clean room, a product prototype workshop and dedicated tooling areas and office space.
Performance Systematix B.V. (a wholly-owned subsidiary of PSI) was established end of 2007. Our new European manufacturing- and distribution facility is located in Ittervoort, The Netherlands. It also serves as the home-base for our international sales- and customer service organization, covering the European, Asian and African market. Ittervoort is strategically situated near the borders of Germany and Belgium. The facility (1400 sqm) is only one minute from the A2, the highway connecting the north and the south.