Since 2004, Prooftag develops and offers security solutions for governments and private companies. Our innovations are used to secure, trace and prove the authenticity of all sorts of documents and products.
In our globalized world, the ever-increasing flow of information, products and people are driving the demand for non-forgeable and easy-to-check authentication solutions. Only a chaosmetric technology security solution such as the Bubble Tag®, where human intervention is entirely excluded from the generation process, can provide a sustainable answer to problems of counterfeiting and forgery.
Our values: Following the example of the Bubble Tag® disruptive technology in particular and Chaosmetry in general, Prooftag is continuously pursuing intensive research and development to generate reliable and perennial traceability and authentication solutions. With our proprietary technologies, our solutions combine the best of both physical and digital worlds by combating fraud, forgery, counterfeiting and usurpation, which are becoming the scourges of today’s world.