SecuringIndustry.com is a free-to-access information service that covers the issues surrounding supply chain and brand security. Our aim is to provide practical advice and intelligence to help manufacturers define and pursue their own strategies for tackling crime including counterfeiting, product diversion, adulteration and theft. We cover key developments in:
- coding and track-and-trace technologies;
- the evolution of data standards;
- overt, covert and forensic authentication systems;
- cargo thefts and shipment security;
- developments in the global regulatory environment;
- enforcement actions and case studies; and much more
The site incorporates breaking news and features, researched and written by specialist industry journalists and guest writers, as well as a regularly updated feed of external editorial from the world's press, a comprehensive and intuitive directory of security-related goods, technologies and services, plus the latest market research and events in supply chain security across multiple industrial sectors.
Our editorial mission is to identify the most important and relevant information in supply chain security and bring it into one place for our community of readers, with the ultimate aim of helping to protect the rights and welfare of the public and the interests and reputations of commercial organisations.