Bumaga BV – Kennis in Productie, as 100% subsidiary of KCPK, focusses all its activities towards development and improvement of the paper and board industry to bridge the gap between fundamental research and adoption of new technologies by the market. Examples are new technologies for efficient paper and board production and new applications of fiber based products.
An initiative of Centre of Competence Paper and Board (Kenniscentrum Papier en Karton, KCPK) located in Arnhem, the Netherlands, Bumaga is an SME which focuses all its activities towards development and improvement of the paper and board chain. Bumaga also implements new potential applications of fiber based products and bridges the gap between fundamental research and the adoption of new technologies by the market. Bumaga has got a wide experience in accomplishing projects in corporation with paper mills, research institutes, consumers and other partners outside the paper and board chain. Bumaga looks for possibilities in the following areas: investigation towards new innovative production/market combinations, quest towards innovations in paper and board industry, project management, project support, government support, financial support, market explorations, market introductions and patents and licenses for new technologies.
Kenniscentrum Papier en Karton (KCPK)
Kenniscentrum Papier en Karton (KCPK) is an initiative of the Dutch paper and board makers association (Royal VNP) and its mission is to endorse the knowledge infrastructure (in The Netherlands) in relation to the paper industry. Longer-term aim is to make a contribution to the competitiveness of the industry by R&D and competence services in relation to both the production process and the (application of) paper and board products. KCPK applies as much as possible existing infrastructure and networks. Activities of KCPK are in:
- Knowledge generation – Creation (by third parties) of new knowledge by means of R&D program’s in co-operation with (central) R&D centers, institutes, universities, and mills.
- Knowledge gathering and disclosure – Information mining in various sources, processing this existing knowledge and presenting it to paper makers.
- Knowledge transfer / dissemination – By means of demonstration projects, platforms, events and conferences contributing to implementation of knowledge / technologies in mills.
KCPK organizes 6 to 8 times a year thematic workshops / events for specific groups within the paper and board industry. Usually these meetings are a mix between presentation from outside the industry and exchange of knowledge and views between representatives from inside the industry.