Packaging & Printing Machines
Lennart Group's vision is to drive the future of sustainable packaging through innovative machinery that minimizes environmental impact.
We are dedicated to creating high-tech solutions for packaging and printing markets.
Our co-founder has a dream of creating values for their employees, customers, and environment. Lennart Group, LLC's mentality is to create high technology machinery and products to boost environmental sustainability. Together with its clients, Lennart Group, LLC. works towards achieving clear competitive advantages and upgrading company value over the long term. Our customers are our partners. Our mission is to achieve zero plastics in all packaging industries. All developments are for sustainable products to create value for our customers and humanity.
Lennart Group ,LLC's latest innovation with Ecosafe Barrier LLC - Ecosafe Barrier Coating Machines will help the packaging industry to eliminate plastics. Lennart Group will supply both machines and sustainable water base coatings ( FDA APPROVED ) - ( Water Barrier - Heat Seal - Oil Barrier - Oxygen - MWTR - PRIME )
All Ecosafe machines are made in USA with Patented Technologies.