Fine Packaging Company was incorporated in 1998. Our original mission was to manufacture and supply corrugated packaging to the ever growing Indian market. In 1990 the company set up the production facility at IDA Balanagar, Hyderabad. Early in the 1990's the company recognized the appeal to customers of a dependable predictable source of supply. The corrugated packaging industry had always been one driven by production requirements. Fine Packaging management recognized that the requirements of the supplier had very little to do with the needs of the customer. Fine Packaging Company then initiated the concept of 100% "on time" delivery. Simply put customers could now choose the speed of delivery. This could be accomplished because Fine Packaging Company had actively pursued the theory of "overcapacity". Overcapacity allows us to produce product in a more time sensitive manner.
This approach is very different than the traditional one of producing what can physically be produced in a given time period. Therefore a greater part of the value we bring to our customers is that all orders processed through our system are a "priority" and are produced "as needed". While our product can be viewed as a commodity we bring value through availability.